Growth, Psychotherapy/Counselling

Why Colours Connect

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After much contemplation and checking in with various people for their opinions, “Colours Connect” is the chosen name. Why “Colours Connect”, you may ask?

“Colours” because it best represents to me the many different personalities, faces, moods and intensities. Colours and its many shades reflect depth and breadth. And in my practice as a counsellor, I have the privilege of crossing paths with a wide variety of people, each with their own stories to tell, each with their own personality and histories and moods.. and each session with each client is a flavour of its own.

“Connect” because my business is about connecting with people. Without this connection, no healing can take place, and no growth can be expected. I want more than just a transactional experience with my clients. I want establish a therapeutic relationship with them, one that can provide them the safety and the space to explore, heal and grow.

Growth, Psychotherapy/Counselling

We have the freedom to choose and change

Viktor Frankl quoteOne of my favourite quotes.. and one that anchors my work as a counsellor. We have a choice. We have the freedom to choose how we want to respond to any situation. And the choices we make reflect our growth.

Much of my work involves raising the awareness in my clients and helping them know that they can choose, and they are not slaves to their behaviour. It involves shifting their paradigm to help them understand that they have the freedom to choose. And it involves providing them a safe space for them to discover their inner wisdom that will enable them to make the right choices.

We are not robots. We don’t have to live our lives on “auto-pilot”. We can choose and we can change.